David Page

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David Page is currently National Executive Director of the Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS). He served as a volunteer with the CHS from 1982 to 2001, including a 2-year term as President in the 1990s. In 2001, he left the field of teaching and educational publishing to take a staff position with the CHS. Before becoming Executive Director in 2006, he held the positions of Director of Programs and Blood Safety Coordinator. David served on the Quebec Hemovigilance Committee advising the Minister of Health on blood safety issues from 1998 to 2006, including four years as president. He has been a member of the Héma-Québec (Quebec’s blood establishment) Safety Committee since 1999. David served on the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Hemophilia from 2000 to 2008 and is chair of its Therapeutic Products Safety, Supply and Availability Committee. David has severe factor IX deficiency.

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